Monday, December 10, 2012


     Another piece from our favorite psalmist, Emeka the flaming mind (follow him @FlameEmeka). THE SONG OF PASSION.

      Well well well.... Flame, i don't know how you feel women came about but before i drop your piece lemme tell you a little story.

 i was having this chat with God this morning....and this is more like
a summary of what happened in the garden of Eden...HOW ADAM BOUGHT EVE

Noticing that Adam appeared somewhat sullen, God asked, "What is wrong
with you, Adam?"

Adam said, "I don't have anyone to talk to... to play with... to eat
with... except the animals."

God said that he was going to make Adam a companion and that it would
be a Woman.

God said, "This person will gather food for you, and when you discover
clothing, she'll wash it for you. She will always agree with every
decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to
get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not
nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when
you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will
freely give you love and passion when ever you need it."

Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"

God replied, "An arm and a leg."

Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?" .............And the rest is history.

Now, to the main event...(Emeka's Song) Dedicated to ''Stylish Thelma'' who requested this....

    '' What can man want in a woman, that I've not come to find in thee? A gift to me as given by the Lord.

 I've come to believe and thou art loyal to me as man. Thou cometh with Love and trueness, and the Lord's command regarding thine reputation shalt I protect. 

Thou art full of beauty and aura, thou art mine. So bring it; bring it to me, thy body. Let me keep thee warm, let me feel thine breasts against mine chest; press them hard upon me until nipples almost pierce my chest.

 I shall curl my great arms around thee and stroke thine spine from neck and down to the low. Let me kiss thine forehead, o love of my choices; kissing thy lip as well and resting tongue on thine nips. 

Thy hip is hot and thine butt is firm above thine shanks. I will lay on thee and spark thine warmth, from head to toe; touching thine active spots. I'll take the line from between thine cleavages and rule it down to the end beneath; o setting thee on fire! The feel is warm; almost hot, o woman of goodwill; o woman of my flaming heart,  thine feel in my heart is a burning flame. 

In The sharing of this passion, have I brought smile to thine face and most of thine days with me shalt be full of the joys that I can give.

I'll talk to you again soon,
Your Friend,

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

ANSWERS FOR MEN (add yours)

            Once again i've been away..... a little bit of humour to lighten the mood eh!
Sometimes Women Ask Stupid Questions which in my Opinion should be rhetorical
But HEY! why spoil the fun when we can be as annoying in our answers as they are in their questions 
or even more. 
comment and add yours!

The Man Answer List

 It's a testosterone thing. Much similar to your PMS thing,
we men suffer from testosterone poisoning. Why do you think
the average life span of a male is typically 10 years shorter
(and it's not just from all the bitching and nagging we have
to endure)? Hormones modifies behavior. We're just misunderstood.

 Again, this is a testosterone thing. Do you honestly think
that all the testosterone just fell out of our bodies the moment
we met you? Besides, women do it as well. Women are just much
better at not getting caught. I'm fairly certain it's some sort
of photographic memory deal. Women take one quick look and memorize
it for later reference. Since men lack this ability, we try to
burn it into our memory by staring as much as we can.

 We occasionally need to adjust our little friend and make him
happy. It's much like adjusting your bra. Being in public is
just an added bonus. No offence to you Nedu danzprinz.

 We like to. It's actually a whole lot of fun to see our partner
frustrated by a few simple (and well chosen) words.

 You'd learn to keep your big mouth shut too if every time you
open it you get into trouble with your partner.

 Well, we don't actually have to; we do it because we enjoy it.
It's the old fashioned pride in a job well done that's missing
in so much of the world nowadays. Farting is another fun thing
for men!!

 Do we look like women to you? Why is it so hard to understand
that men and women are different? How are we supposed to share
how we feel when we have no idea how we feel? Unless we're
experiencing some extreme emotion like rage, hatred, disgust,
or a brick on our foot, we have no idea how we feel. Personally,
I get a headache whenever I try to figure out how I feel.
 Please ... How many hours do you think there is in a day? We
oblige you as much as we can, but who the hell (besides women)
can stand lying around for hours on end? (hmmm...Amara)

We men ... Men hunters... Need go roam ... Starve in cave ... Must go find wildebeest
... Now sitting on our asses for hours on end (pressing my lappy) on the other hand
is a whole other story.

 Men have very powerful sets of sitting muscles developed by
evolution that enable us to sit for extended periods of time
without getting tired. In prehistoric times, it was often
necessary to sit in one spot for extended periods of time while
hunting for prey. The more successful hunters were able to sit
very still for very extended periods of time thereby passing
on this ability to their progeny. The fidgety types were all
gobbled up by saber toothed tigers etc. The end result is that
almost all modern men are born with this innate ability.

 Men are taught from a tender young age to be self-sufficient.
To say that we love you is equivalent to saying that we need you.
Most men consider that a character fault. It's not easy to admit
to one's own character faults.

 Ho, Ho, Ho ... Aren't you special? Well, some men think it's
a sure fire way to get into your pants. Surprisingly, it actually
still works quite well.

 We just simply don't have the energy to answer every single
one of your questions. If we think we do not have the answer,
or that you will not like the answer, we simply remain quiet
and save the energy for other things.

 Why should we? It doesn't really bother us that much. Besides,
we know darn well you'll pick it up.

 This usually only occurs after months of courting. It's our way
to let you know that we're comfortable with you. Believe it or
not, it's actually a sign of affection. Besides, holding it for
extended periods of time gives us stomach cramps.

 It's an evolutionary thing. Men hunt. Women gather. We just want
to go out, kill it, and bring it back. Who wants to spend hours
and hours to look at things we have no intention of killing?
Err ... buying?
We just go to Nza Bush House or Brifina and POINT AND KILL!!!! for fun.

Hahahahah!!!! I had madt fun! did you? Then Add yours via comment and i'll 
update it.

Your Friend 

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Monday, December 3, 2012


 “How To Use ‘Sexual’ Body Language
To Make Women Notice And Feel
        Have you ever thought that if you just knew the right “words” to say to a woman, that
you would have no problem “picking her up”?
If so, you’re not alone. In fact, this is exactly what I used to think.
I used to think that if I could just learn the right “lines” and “techniques”, everything
else would just fall into place.
I have another question for you…
Have you ever approached a woman with what you thought was a good “line”… or with
something “polite”… and had her totally blow you off?
Well, this may come as a surprise, but there’s a very good chance that she made the
decision to reject you BEFORE YOU EVEN OPENED YOUR MOUTH.
Think about it…
Attractive women get hit on by men day in and day out. It NEVER stops.
They are practically forced to develop ways to size men up FAST.
And body language just happens to be the easiest and the MOST ACCURATE way for
them to disqualify guys who don’t “get it” without ever even having to talk to them.
That said... developing powerful, masculine body language is one of the most important
things you’ll ever do to improve your game.
If you want to make a woman feel comfortable and open to talking to you, you must
learn to physically communicate to her that you are the type of man she is looking for
BEFORE you meet her.
And if you want to make a woman feel powerful sexual attraction for you, you must
learn to project the physical signals that women can’t help but respond to you.
Because this information is so important, I wanted to create a special report for you to
go along with this issue of my monthly interview series, just to be absolutely sure that you
get every ounce of information out of it.
So here’s exactly what you need to do to transform your communication and start
speaking to women in a way that most men will NEVER figure out…
1. “Un-Train” Yourself And Eliminate All Of The Things That You’re Doing
If you really want to become a master of sexual body language, it’s not enough to
simply learn the “right moves”. You also need to eliminate what you’re doing wrong.
Remember, women are at least TEN TIMES better at reading and interpreting subtle
communication than men.
Even if you’re doing a lot of things right, one small “tick” will give her that feeling that
“something isn’t right”. You need to be absolutely sure that everything you do “fits”.
So how do you do that?
2. Become Constantly Aware Of What Your Body Is Doing
Good body language isn’t something you just “turn on” when you are talking to a
It’s important that you internalize it and make it a part of you.
When you’re first learning this stuff, you need to be paying attention to your body
language ALL THE TIME.
Start paying attention to EVERYTHING… where you place your hands when you are
sitting, the way your feet are facing when you’re standing, the speed and precision of your
movements, the way you walk, the way you blink, and even the way you breathe.
Simply opening your eyes to what your body is doing will give you some great insights
on improving it.
3. Align Yourself For Success
The most important thing that great non-verbal communicators do to project
masculine confidence and power is something most do unconsciously.
The good news is that you can easily learn it and duplicate their success.
The key is to ALIGN YOURSELF so that every part of your body is completely
congruent with one another.
When standing, keep your feet a little bit more than shoulder-width apart. Make sure
to balance your weight firmly across the entire length of your feet.
Now, put your shoulders back and lift your chest up towards the sky.
Put your chin up, and with each hand, touch your thumb to your forefinger to align the
muscles in your arms.
Doing this forces you into “centered” position, and causes positive sexual energy to
flow throughout your body.
And believe me… women will take notice.
You can use this same technique of aligning yourself when you are sitting down,
leaning up against a wall, or walking down the street.
Ok, homework time…
Go out and grab the movie “Swingers”, and pay close attention to the character played
by Vince Vaughan.
Watch how he stands, how he sits, and how he moves.
Notice how every detail of his body language is completely congruent.
Now, as you walk around town today, PRETEND YOU ARE HIM. (I know this sounds
silly… but trust me).
Also try studying the character of JAMES BOND, especially pierce BROSNAN and the
 way he moves (body language) and sounds ....very masculine (My name is Bond,...James Bond)
 Focus on keeping yourself centered and aligned.
Watch the reactions you get from women and everyone else. I think you’ll be surprised
at just how much of a difference this stuff makes.
4. Lead From Your Hips
a simple secret that was a HUGE “ah ha” for me
This secret is something that will instantly improve your body language, and cause
women to notice you wherever you go.
The best part about it is that it’s incredibly easy to learn and use.
The secret is to “lead from your hips” when you are walking.
Most men move forward with their chest or their head leading the way. When you lead
from your hips, it subtly communicates a sexual awareness that women are BIOLOGICALLY
PROGRAMMED to notice.
Simply put, doing just this one thing will have a massive effect on the way women look
at you… even if you change nothing else in your game.
Just pretend as if there is a giant string tied to your belt that is gently pulling you along
as you are walking.
It really is that easy. The tricky part is simply REMEMBERING to do it until you
internalize it and it becomes second nature.
So you can tie a string around your finger, or write a note to yourself backwards on your
forehead so you can read it when you look in the
It’s THAT important.
5. Lift Your Chest
I also talked about ANOTHER “goldmine” move that is easy to learn
and will improve your body language INSTANTLY.
A while ago I was fortunate to have a gentleman write in to me that happened to coach
professional musicians and singers.
He shared with me a secret used by professional singers to powerfully amplify their
voices to completely fill up a room.
As it turns out, you can use this secret to massively and INSTANTLY improve your
body language.
I really wish I would have thought of this one…
That secret is to “lift” your chest.
When you lift your chest towards the sky, it practically forces you to align your body
into a powerfully masculine position.
You can do this whether you’re sitting, standing, or walking.
In fact, this really is an instant cure that you can use anytime you aren’t sure of how to
position yourself.
Since this gentleman first shared this technique with me, I’ve personally incorporated
it into everything I do, and it’s a proven winner.
I can tell you from experience that when you are learning how to be successful with
women, there are very few “quick fixes”. In 99% of cases, simply learning a great “pick up
line” or technique will get you nowhere.
Well, this is one of those VERY RARE exceptions. Use it!
6. Make Her Earn It
When most guys are around women, they make the big mistake of physically “leaning
in”. This subtly communicates to a woman that you want her… and that SHE---not YOU---is
in charge.
Not good.
It’s FAR more effective to lean back a bit and make her come to you. This accomplishes
three VERY important things:
1. It makes her feel comfortable with talking to you because you are not crowding
into her personal space.
2. It completely separates you from every other guy she’s met, and let’s her know
RIGHT AWAY that there is something different about you.
3. It creates a HUGE challenge by subtly forcing HER to come to YOU… and sets
up the frame that YOU are the selector and SHE is the pursuer right from the start.
The same holds true in how you orient the way you are facing when talking to a woman.
If you immediately turn to face her while she is facing even slightly away, then YOU are
framed as the pursuer.
On the other hand, if you approach her WITHOUT facing her directly, and let her be
the one to position her body towards you, it says all the right things, and starts the
interaction off right.
These two things are the secrets every “natural” uses to have woman chasing him from
the start. Start paying very close attention to this stuff when you’re interacting with women.
It will be second nature for you before you know it.
7. Show Her That You Are Sexually Aware
If you can master the subtle ways to show a woman that you are sexually aware and
experienced WITHOUT saying anything, women will become turned on simply by being
around you.
One of the biggest indicators women use to size up a man’s sexual experience is the
way he touches HIMSELF.
Here are a few things you can do to let a woman know that you know exactly what
you’re doing:
1. Every once in awhile, briefly caress your own chest or neck as you are talking to
2. If you find yourself talking to a woman and you are both sitting down, rest one
hand on your inner thigh near (but not touching) your crotch
3. Look intensely in her eyes, and then look away
4. Eliminate all “fidgety” movements and nervous “ticks”
Learning sexual body language might be the simplest thing you can do to improve your
ability to make women feel attraction for you.
It’s also one of the most important.
This is one of few “easy fixes” that will get you huge results.
Like I mentioned before, the only hard part here is REMEMBERING what to do and
making a conscious effort to do it.
Make a commitment to yourself right now that you will take the time and effort it takes
to master this skill. Read this over and over again until every word is burned
into your brain. There is a TON of terrific and HIGHLY IMPORTANT subtle points in there,
and when you master all of them, you’ll be amazed at just how powerfully women respond to
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And I’ll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Honor thy Woman, O man !

  Here is a priceless piece of poetry every man should read and every Woman should cherish! Born from the Ink in  the pen of a psalmist very close to my heart ..Emeka the flaming mind.(Follow him @FlameEmeka) Its dedicated to y'all women. Without you there would be no reason for †Ñ’ξ LIONS DEN...Enjoy
    .   Honor thy woman, o man; give to her as much love as thou hath received from God thy maker. So deep are thy feelings in her heart, she does not know why, yet her intentions toward you are pure and oft with mistakes. The Lord thy God hath blessed her, because she is of a good heart. Fashion her thoughts and keep a smile on her face, for nothing soothes her better. Art thou surprised to find a good woman? Foolish thou art to be. For the Lord hath brought her under thy care. What dost thou fear in a woman, that maketh thee to keep thy love from her? Will she not honor thee because thou speaketh of the Maker to her hearing? She shalt stroke thy chest and keep thee warm in the cold nights. Trust her and not in the sense that she will not go wild without thy guidiance, but that she is capable of following thy lead. She will make thy meal and keep thy heart at home. All these because thou showeth her love without compromise. Curse the trials and temptations, for they snatch her faith; but bless the tough times for she cometh with idea and cum. O the swift intuition bestowed on thee, o woman by our God. The Lord, taking out mine rib and crafting thee, o woman to mine very taste. And entrusted me as man, the power to rule over thee. Besides all that I possess as king, thou, o woman beareth and weildeth in power and in deeds all that I lack. I shall love thee, o woman of my tender heart; I will honor thee for thou giveth me solace. I shall confess mine affections into thy very ear and feed thy sight with my very charms. I shall treat thy beauty with care and keep thy body in the warmth of my flame. Thou art curse and blessing to mine soul, but I will keep the Lord's command. So that even as thou will always yearn for me, I also will always be there with thee even when it may seem that I am far off. Come to me always; I will never refuse thee. Come with thy misunderstandings and confusions; I will show thee the light. Thou art woman of my Flaming mind.

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And i'll talk to you again soon
Your friend

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We were supposed to talk about the INNER GAME. okay.....
 Let’s get started…
Can you remember the last time you approached an attractive woman you wanted to meet?
Can you remember how just thinking about it sent a SURGE of fear and excitement all throughout your body?
Well guess what?
ALL men feel this same fear when they approach a woman!
The difference between guys that are amazing at approaching women and guys that can’t approach women at all is WHAT THEY DO WITH THIS FEAR.
If you think about it, you really only have two choices: 

(A) You can let it DESTROY you… and your chances of meeting a woman and having a great relationship.

(B). You can let it MOTIVATE you… and increase your chances of meeting the women you desire
What I’m trying to say here is that guys that are GREAT at approaching women and starting up conversations use this fear to their advantage.

Think about it this way…
People spend TONS of money on things like surfing, roller coasters, and jumping out of airplanes.
Isn’t it great that you can get that same rush of excitement by simply going out today and approaching some attractive women?  “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.”
So the next time you see an attractive woman you want to meet and you feel that nervous excitement creeping up… ENJOY IT… and make something happen!


Many men will put on an “act” when they approach a woman as an EGO-DEFENSE mechanism.
That way if the woman happens to reject them, they can blame their rejection on the “act” or the “line”… instead of placing the blame where it should be… on themselves.

Now, what these guys FAIL to realize is that the very act of “putting on an act” is often the CAUSE of their rejection in the first place 
It’s no secret that women are very perceptive… especially attractive women who get hit on DOZENS of times each day.
They can smell a fraud from a mile away… and if that fraud is YOU… you’re going down.
Now, here’s a secret that woman know but men don’t:
It takes A LOT more courage to be YOURSELF than it does to approach a woman with an “act” or a “line” that ISN’T you.
And if you do approach a woman as YOURSELF and in a genuine and confident way, you will almost NEVER get rejected, because she will see the courage and confidence behind it.
Now… this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use a great line that you learned somewhere else.
As a matter of fact… you should… especially when you’re first getting started.
But think of the lines and techniques you learn as “training wheels”… and make it your goal to come up with some of your very own techniques that work for YOU and fit your personality.

Another interesting point  is that women are often “programmed” to reject men.
Think about it.

An attractive woman gets hit on by losers day in and day out.
Pretty soon “rejection” becomes an automatic response.
It turns into a screening system… with the initial rejection as a test. Only guys who can GET PAST the initial rejection survive.

Now… not ALL women are like this. But here’s a little secret about those who are:
These women are used to meeting guys who “can’t take the heat”. They meet HUNDREDS of men who “wuss out” to every ONE that “makes the cut.”
And because of this… once you get past her initial rejection, she will see you as a RARE commodity.
To put it simply… YOU ARE IN.
A great example of this took place in the movie “Gone With The Wind”
In it, Scarlet was not being nice to Rhett Butler… but he took it all in good faith… because he KNEW it was just an act… and that deep down she was totally in love with him.
Take this same stance when you meet a woman with “attitude”.
Come from the position that you KNOW what it’s like to be her… and that you know she has to weed out the losers somehow… AND that you know if she opened her eyes she’d fall for you in a second.
Don’t actually voice this to her… but let it shine through in your actions.
Give her a second chance to give you a second chance… and soon YOU… being the RARE find that you are… will be the one in control.

the single most important thing you can do in your life—both for yourself, and when it comes to attracting women—is to become an interesting guy.
The easiest way to do this is to “err on the side of action”.
What that means is to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
If you come to a fork in the road, take it.
If you are deciding whether or not to take a trip, go!
Deciding whether to eat somewhere new or go to your same old favorite spot? Try something new!
The more you do this the more you will enrich your life with experiences… and gain wisdom and knowledge that make women want to know more about you.
And the more experiences you have, the more interesting things you will have to talk about with women… and the more likely you will be to relate to something they have done.
For example, when she says, “That reminds me of a place in Enugu” you can say, “Oh yeah… I know what you mean”.
When she tells you she loves Chinese food you can tell her about that wonderful little place you discovered that day when you decided to drive PAST your favorite spot and find something new.
Remember… we never regret the things we do… only the things we haven’t done.
Start to live this every single day, and you’ll be amazed at just how quickly women notice.

Here’s another newsflash for you: Women HATE to make decisions.

You know how they say that women constantly change their minds about everything?
Well it’s absolutely true.
Women can make decisions… but they don’t like to… which is exactly why women LOVE a man who is decisive.
Decisiveness is a MALE trait. And to a woman, there is nothing more manly than a guy who knows what he wants… and is confident enough to BE A MAN and lead her to do things and go places he knows are fun and exciting.
When a man does this, it gives her a sense of stability and security that she longs for… and puts her at ease by taking the burden of making a decision off of her plate.
Unfortunately, many men are AFRAID to do this, because they fear that a woman won’t be happy with the decisions they make.
We’ve all made this mistake at one time or another… and gotten into one of those, “I don’t know… what do YOU want to do?” conversations that woman HATE.
But … in romance, as in dancing, a man must lead with a firm and gentle hand.
Remember this every time you are talking to a woman from now on.
If you’re going somewhere to eat, tell her you know of a great such and such restaurant. If she objects, don’t say, “Well where do you want to go?” …simply suggest another one.
Your decisiveness—which translates into “manliness”—plays a HUGE role in whether or not SHE decides to sleep with you. So give her what she wants by gently leading her where you want.

She’ll thank you for it.

One of the biggest differences between guys who are REALLY successful with women and guys who are just moderately successful is that the “pros” are ALWAYS willing to “walk away”.
People don’t value what they don’t have to work for… and if a woman knows that you will be around and willing no matter what she does, then SHE has the power and control.
This “exchange of power” starts from the moment you meet a woman.
A woman can tell as soon as you walk up to her whether you “care” or not if it goes well.
If she can sense that you “only have eyes for her”, she won’t have any reason to try to impress you… because she knows that you have already made up your mind about her…
On the other hand, if she senses that you are just out having fun and will leave in an instant if she says or does something you don’t agree with, she will be on her best behavior to try and impress YOU and keep you around.
It’s ironic in how it works… but it’s absolutely true.
So the key here is to avoid the “scarcity” mindset at all costs.
Know that there is ALWAYS another hot woman waiting around the corner… and be selective when deciding to stick with the one you’re with, or move on.
When you really internalize the attitude that YOU are the selector, it will come across in everything you do… AND… cause every woman you meet to WORK to hold your attention.

A very simple way to let your woman know that she is in the hands of a real man is to be chivalrous when you are out to town.
Hold doors open for her, and always be sure to walk on the outside of the curb.
If some shady people come across your path, position yourself between them and her.
This is all simple stuff… but you’d be surprised at how many men forget it completely.
But this is… of course… good news for you because guys who DO remember this stuff and practice it are handsomely rewarded

Did you know that women HATE when a guy they are attracted to DOESN’T make a move?
Yes… in some cases you can use this to build anticipation and make her want you more… but eventually you MUST take the initiative and make something happen.
When a woman is really into a guy and he doesn’t try to sleep with her, it makes her feel LESS ATTRACTIVE.... believe me, I've been a victim, unfortunately now that i know whats up....shes married (hmm C.J)
She also worries that YOU might not have the confidence to make a move… which makes YOU look less attractive.
Combine these two things together and the result is not good.
Remember this:
She IS NOT going to do it for you. “If YOU take off a woman’s pants, she feels sexy… but if she has to take off HER OWN pants, she feels like a slut.”

Which option do you think a woman would rather take?
Now… just because you make a move does not mean she’s going to give in and sleep with you on the first night.
But she definitely wants you to TRY.
So don’t let her down. Don’t be a wuss. Make a move!

unique system for setting up dates with women.
The best part about it is how i actually get women to ASK ME OUT when i am talking to them on the phone!
Here’s how i do it:

simply call a woman up and talk in detail about an interesting and exciting thing am planning on doing.
A few examples are picnicking at the local beach..... bumper car riding at the park..., going to happy hour (8 hours) with friends, and going to a “secret” hang out where they make the best roasted fish.
Somewhere along the way the woman will say, “That sounds fun”… or even better… “Can I come?” or “I want to go!”
And what kind of man would I be to turn her down?
Another great thing about this system is what I do if they DON’T hint or ask to join me. I simply say “bye” and that I'll talk to them later.
This seems simple… but in reality it’s VITALLY important.
Because i didn’t end the conversation with a “next step”… like “I’ll call you later this week” or “call me when you want to hang out”… either person can call the other WITHOUT giving up their power.
Think about it…
If at the end of a phone call you say to a woman, “Call me this Saturday” and she DOESN’T call… then you are giving up your power if you call her again.
Along those same lines, if you end a call with “I’ll give YOU a call on Saturday”, she can’t call you until you call her first without giving up HER power.
On the other hand, if you end the call with “I’ll talk to you later” and later that night she happens to feel like getting together, she is totally free to call you up.
And… if you end a call with “I’ll talk to you later” you can call her again whenever YOU feel like it without looking like a wuss.
And if the next time you call her it doesn’t go anywhere… but you end that call without a “next step”… you can call her again whenever you want.
Here’s the bottom line:
If you end every call like this, you can KEEP ON calling her until she asks you out.
But based on my experiences, after you call a woman a couple of times and tell her about interesting things you are doing, even if she can’t meet with you that day, she will call you when she can… because she’ll assume you’ll be doing something fun.

In fact, if you just remember these two keys to phone conversations, you’ll be amazed at how often women CALL YOU UP to ask you to hang out.
Here they are again:
1. Talk about interesting things you are doing

2. Don’t end the call with a “next step”… simply say “I’ll talk to you later”.
Be sure to write these down somewhere. This is important stuff.
A Few Other Quick Points…
Another great point is to tell a woman what to wear when she is meeting up with you.
I do this myself, and I highly recommend it. Women find it to be a huge turn on… and it will get her thinking about you all day! I also like to take a woman on a date where they will get dirty or sweaty so I can invite them back to my place to take a shower. I love it!

These are a few real world techniques i just shared with you. I hope you enjoyed them… and most of all… I hope you USE THEM.
Be sure to read my articles several times till it enters
There are a lot of little subtleties in this post that are very important… and while I tried to point them all out in this post, it would definitely be worth your time to read it again and take some notes. … it will make your life a whole lot easier.

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I’ll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,